The Charity for Environmental Illness

About MCS-Aware

MCS-Aware is a registered charity, number 1152139. We provide information and support to thousands of people in the UK and worldwide suffering from chemical, food and electro-sensitivities.

Would you like to know more about environmental illness?

Please ask questions on our Forum, Facebook, Twitter or you can receive information by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post on chlorine-free paper. Write to us for an information pack: MCS-Aware 8A, Intech House, Wilbury Way,Hitchin, Herts. SG4 0TW (UK). Here's how we can help you:

Free E-Newsletter
  • Our MCS-Aware membership has been set up specifically to make life easier for moderate and severe sufferers. It includes information for welfare, benefits and appeals. Members can also get access to discounts on EI friendly products, foods and supplements; leaflets to give to friends and family;  a penpal community; suppliers directory; over 50 helpsheets including information to give to GPs for hospital treatment; and a FREE copy of our magazine sent out 3 times a year.  We have to charge a subscription fee to help us cover costs of printing.
  • Our E-Newsletters are FREE and provide  summary of news and tips. The E-newsletter is issued every three weeks online only. This is NOT the same as our magazine!
Nicki Greenham - Charity Founder

The sense of isolation can feel overwhelming, but actually there are thousands of us trying to live with multiple sensitivities. It is an unfortunate irony that those worst affected find their illness prevents them from accessing the information they need to facilitate recovery.

Nicki Greenham - Charity Founder

The MCS-Aware support group began as the result of Nicki's personal experience of severe MCS and her frustration at the lack of available information. We originally started in 2005 as a support group called Chemical Free. We achieved charitable status with our new name MCS-Aware in 2011. MCS-Aware is a registered charity no 1152139 operating as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, no: 07772408. We are a very small team of volunteers and the charity is funded entirely by subscriptions, advertising in our newsletter, and by donations. If you would like to join us and help in any way, please get in touch. We appreciate any help with admin, website maintenance, research, writing articles, fund raising and many other roles.

MCS-Aware needs donations to keep running

If you like what we do, please DONATE HERE.

We are affiliated with:

The 25% ME Group
Support group for severe ME sufferers.
British Society of Ecological Medicine
Contributes to the integration of ecological principles into mainstream medicine in the UK.
Foods Matter
A comprehensive resource for freefrom food - gluten, wheat, dairy, lactose, egg, nut and soya free.
Sheep Dip Sufferers
A group of volunteers campaigning for better diagnosis and treatment for all those affected by organophosphates used in agriculture.
Aerotoxic Association
Help and advice for people who have become ill from exposure to contaminated air in jet aircraft. Aerotoxic Syndrome was recognised by a World Health Organisation paper on June 12, 2017.
UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance and  West MidlandsAgainst Fluoridation and For Pure Clean Water
Supporting and informing the campaign against water fluoridation in the UK
We also work closely with  Stevenage Fibromyalgia Group
A support group for Fibromyalgia, ME, CFS and related illnesses that meets regularly in Hertfordshire.

Our advisors are:

Dr Apelles Econs, Jonathan Cohen, and Gillian McCarthy

Health Information Disclaimer

The health information on this Web site is provided by MCS-Aware solely for informational purposes as a public service to promote consumer health. It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for proper medical care provided by a physician. MCS-Aware assumes no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the use, misuse, interpretation or application of any information supplied on this site. Always consult with your doctor for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing, and care recommendations. Do not rely on information on this site as a tool for self-diagnosis. Information on this web site is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The information is presented without any warranty as to its reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness or completeness.

Any messages, advice, opinions or other information contained in any discussion area should not be construed as professional advice or instruction. The opinions and information expressed are not necessarily those of MCS-Aware.

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